Conference Schedule is there!

Today we publish the schedule of our “Das ist Netzpolitik!” conference. For sure there can be smaller changes, but you can already see what’s awaiting you, plan, which talks and workshops you want to visit and tell your friends. We will also have at least ten talks/short talks in English.

On our speaker’s page you can look who will be there. There will still be talks added spontaneuously especially for the slot “Netzpolitik im Schnelldurchlauf” (Netpolitical Speed Run), because we try to cover as many netpolitical topics and projects as possible.

So: Get your tickets, come by and stay for the party! We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

Tickets cost 10, 15 or 50 Euro. The last one is the normal price, 15 Euros are for those entitled to reduced prices and 10 Euros for activists. If you want to get an acitvist discount, write to, tell us who you are and how you are active for digital rights.